Food Inc - A Warning

                                                                  Food Inc., is a mind-boggling, stomach-churning expose on the food industry.It was about how corporate farming has replaced traditional agriculture and how it affects both the people and the environment. "Food, Inc." begins in the grocery aisles and tracks back to the seeds and slaughterhouses that produce, in large part, what people eat.

What Do We Learn? 
                                                      We learn that the America's top four meatpackers control 80 percent of the beef market. We hear that farmers are subsidized to overproduce corn, which then goes into Coke,diapers, and cattle feed. We're told that the gut of a cow fed on corn breeds the deadliest strains of E. coli; that the Monsanto Co. owns every last one of its genetically engineered soybean seeds; that the  Processing Plants  slaughters 32,000 pigs per day. Fifty years ago, we're advised, it took 70 days to raise a chicken to slaughter. Today it takes 48. Grim statistics pair off with arresting visuals. The documentary can help more consumers realize that "cheaper" food is NOT necessarily a bargain when you consider your personal health. This is only a small sample of what's contained in this gripping film

                                                    "Food Inc" definitely has warnings for a developing nation like India which, I feel is slowly heading towards that stage. It shows the real side of agriculture and food market in the developed world. It should act as a strong warning for us, India to know what to avoid as we continue on the growth path and join the leading economies in the world. And as most of the important, long term changes are often pushed through by the governments without meaningful debates and public discussions, it is important that we keep our eyes and ears open and keep our legislators accountable for changes in this most vital sector.

                                                   "Food, Inc." is almost entirely one-sided, but not for lack of trying. Officials of  all those mentioned corporates(in documentary) declined to be interviewed. The point you should take from Food, Inc. is not that we should abolish the corporate food industry, rather we should hold one another accountable. Together, as producer and consumer, we must take responsibility for how our food is grown and produced.

Advisory : Thematic material and disturbing images.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent well researched review.
Keep it up